Posted on 9/28/2022

Your car almost entirely runs of fuel, which means that any issue with the fuel system will potentially affect the car functioning. For instance, the fuel filter can cause a lot of challenges. So if you suspect a faulty fuel filter, here are some symptoms you might notice; Stalling If your engine frequently stops out while you're on the road, your fuel filter may be unclean. Again, depending on how bad the obstruction was, your automobile could just start up again with no apparent loss of power. Stalls increase in frequency or get worse when accelerating as the obstruction gets worse and fuel supply is more erratic. It's probably time to change the filter because it is becoming entirely blocked. Increased Fuel Consumption You might want to check your gas filter if your vehicle's fuel usage starts to seem unpleasantly high. Your engine may run tight when your gas filter is blocked, squandering oil as it works harder to maintain your car. You can decrease the burden and g ... read more