Posted on 2/27/2023

Most people overlook their transmission maintenance, but it is key to keeping your vehicle dependable on the road. If cars aren’t your thing, you might have never even heard of this service – transmission fluid flush. Today, we will discuss what a transmission fluid flush is and what it can do for your vehicle. Transmission Fluid and Its Role To understand this vital service, you need to know what transmission fluid is. Like coolant, brake fluid, and motor oil, transmission fluid is just another liquid solution that your car needs. This fluid cools and lubricates your transmission components. In other words, it allows you to shift gears and prevents the transmission from failing. As you rack up miles on your vehicle, the transmission fluid will break down similarly to how the engine breaks down motor oil. If your transmission gets too hot, it’ll even burn. To avoid costly repairs, you should keep the fluid in good condition by getting transmission flui ... read more