Posted on 1/31/2022

The brakes are crucial when it comes to your safety while driving. You never want to find yourself in a situation where your brakes don't work. You want your car to slow or stop when you need it to, so paying attention to how your brakes perform and getting them serviced on time is key. The question is, how do you know if you need brake service? Well, the answer is simple. Take a look at your car's owner's manual. There, you will find manufacturer recommendations including at what mileage intervals to have your car's various brake components inspected or replaced. Another way to know if you need brake service is to pay attention to how your brakes perform and to never ignore a problem when it arises. You can also bring your car to our shop where we can look up your vehicle's manufacturer recommendations when it comes to various services such as brake pad replacement, brake rotor resurfacing, brake fluid flushes, brake line repair, brake bleeding, and more. Here a ... read more